Muniment of Title

The fastest way to probate a will in Texas is to probate it as a muniment of title. For this to be done, there must be a valid will. There are also other requirements that need to be met. In general, this works best if the estate being settled is relatively small. Our Colleyville attorneys can help determine if this is an option that is available for you.

What is Muniment of Title?

Smaller estates, estates without debt, and estates with unpaid debt that’s secured by real property, may not need full administration. In this situation, probating a will as muniment of title may be a much more effective option. It is recognized by our Colleyville attorneys as a simpler, more efficient, and much more cost-effective alternative to traditional independent or dependent administration.

Requirements of Muniment of Title

A court will admit a will to probate as muniment of title when the following conditions are met:

  • Existence of a valid will
  • The estate has no unpaid debts except those secured by real property
  • The court finds that independent or dependent administration is not necessary

Consult with the Fetty Firm

Based upon your situation, muniment of title might be the most sensible option in terms of the probate process. Rashelle Fetty, an experienced probate attorney based in Colleyville, has helped many North Texas families answer important questions about the different avenues of probate, including muniment of title.

In addition, Rashelle and her staff at The Fetty Firm can answer important questions about whether or not it would be a good idea to complete the probate process as muniment of title. Some of the questions you may have include:

  • Is muniment of title appropriate in my situation?
  • Will this accepted by financial institutions?
  • How will the distribution of assets be handled?

Our Colleyville attorneys can help you determine whether or not muniment of title is appropriate with your unique circumstances. Contact the Fetty Firm today for a consultation on muniment of title.

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